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Recommended shift schedule software program - Efficient Calendar

Efficient Calendar is a professional and unique shift schedule software package. It is a combination of calendar and task tracking system with project management and To-Do lists.

  • Easy to Install
  • Multiple Interface Styles
  • Network Edition Available
  • Calendar and Time Manager
  • Recycle Bin
  • Recognition from Authoritative Software Editors
  • Main Holidays Can Be Imported at Any Time
  • Lightweight

Latest Version: 5.20 Build 516
Price: $34.95
Requirements: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, Android, iOS
Languages: English, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Ukrainian, German, Turkish, French, Arabic, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovenian, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Indonesian, Croatian, Spanish, Korean, Bulgarian, Japanese, Danish, Polish, Norwegian, Greek, Farsi, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Armenian, Hungarian, Russian

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Choose the right product for yourself:

Efficient Man's/Lady's OrganizerEfficientPIMEfficient Calendar
More special interface styles designed for men/women
Password Management
Customizing task labels
Adding attachments
Read-only mode support
Organizing your information by category
Organizing your information by hierarchical grouping
Searching information as simple and fast as Google
Sounds Good?Efficient Man's/Lady's OrganizerEfficientPIMEfficient Calendar
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Testimonials & Reviews

"I First heard about your products at CNET Reviews. I was looking for Address and Calendar software and read the Editor's reviews about your products. I tried the free downloads and decided it was so good that I would purchase the full version. 2) Biggest influence was it includes everything I could possibly need to get organized, password generator, notes, calendar, to do list etc. 3) The only thing missing is an World Clock, with the difference time zone for difference cities and area and country codes for direct dialing those cities in the Address Book."

- JNMDaly, February 2012

"What was the biggest influence on your decision to purchase Efficient Calendar? My answer: Your description, cost, and ease of use. I hope it works. Please write down your comments on Efficient Calendar. My answer: I just looked at it and it seems easy to use."

- Arthur Rose, February 2012

For Home
Efficient Address Book
Efficient Diary Pro
Efficient Calendar
Efficient To-Do List
For Business
Efficcess Network
Efficient Address Book Network
Efficient Calendar Network
Efficient To-Do List Network
Efficient Reminder Network
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