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Recommended medical appointment scheduling software program - Efficient Reminder

Efficient Reminder is a full-featured medical appointment scheduling software application that can help you plan and organize your time. It offers a well-arranged organization of work time and free time, filing recurring events and reminders for events that you wish to be reminded about.

  • Easy to Use
  • Network Edition Available
  • Competitive Price
  • Easy to Search
  • Powerful Document Editor
  • Lightweight
  • Portable Edition Available
  • Main Holidays Can Be Imported at Any Time

Latest Version: 5.20 Build 516
Price: $29.95
Requirements: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, Android, iOS
Languages: English, Polish, German, Swedish, Croatian, Arabic, Spanish, Norwegian, Thai, Finnish, Russian, French, Turkish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Dutch, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Farsi, Ukrainian, Danish, Lithuanian, Japanese, Greek, Armenian, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Italian, Slovenian

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Other medical appointment scheduling software provided by Efficient Software

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EfficientPIM $39.95

EfficientPIM is a copy of Windows 7 PIM for Windows. This user-friendly software will be a right tool for helping you to organize your life. Read More...

Choose the right software for yourself:

EfficientPIMEfficient CalendarEfficient Reminder
Journal & Diary
Address Book & Contact Manager
Customizing task labels
Customizing event labels
Adding attachments
Unlimited number of information management
Setting priority for information items
Card view support
Sounds Good?EfficientPIMEfficient CalendarEfficient Reminder
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Testimonials & Reviews

"What was the biggest influence on your decision to purchase EfficientPIM? My answer: I was going to try Scheduflow. Then I saw their "free" program was something like $8.00 a month. Please write down your comments on EfficientPIM. My answer:I'm looking for an integrated mechanism where I can quickly access a variety of information and have it tied together different ways. I think this product will work well for me, I have to figure out how to set it up so it links data between my two computers and see if I can get my Android phone tied in also."

- Bruce Porter, May 2012

"... I emailed Kurlo support on Oct 6th and am still waiting for a response - definitely made me decide to find a new program. Also when I bought PIM Pro, I appreciated knowing that I didn't need to buy the Extended Download Service - I like straight dealing and your company seems to do that - that's a big plus in my opinion. ... Because I can't specify fields to export, I now have to "tweak" the exported data, which requires a lot of extra work. ..."

- M. Kellett, October 2011

For Home
Efficient Address Book
Efficient Diary Pro
Efficient Calendar
Efficient To-Do List
For Business
Efficcess Network
Efficient Address Book Network
Efficient Calendar Network
Efficient To-Do List Network
Efficient Reminder Network
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