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Recommended handheld organizer - EfficientPIM

EfficientPIM is a convenient and easy-to-use handheld organizer for managing your business and private life. It can manage your notes, appointments, passwords, schedules, diaries, tasks, contacts, or any other information you need access to.

  • Free Edition Available
  • Electronic Diary & Journal
  • Lightweight
  • All-In-One
  • Portable Edition Available
  • Classify Information
  • Network Edition Available
  • Recycle Bin

Latest Version: 5.20 Build 516
Price: $39.95
Requirements: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, Android, iOS
Languages: English, Lithuanian, Greek, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Finnish, German, Polish, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Danish, Japanese, Norwegian, Slovenian, Indonesian, Farsi, Croatian, Bulgarian, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Hungarian, Armenian

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Other handheld organizers provided by Efficient Software

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Manage your personal and professional information with the professional free personal information manager. Read More...

Efficient Man's Organizer $39.95

Efficient Man's Organizer is an award-winning, attractive and feature-packed organizer shareware product, that will let you keep, plan and track all your other bits of information at your fingertips. Read More...

Efficient Lady's Organizer $39.95

Efficient Lady's Organizer is a copy of time & attendance software application for Windows OS. This professional software will be a right tool for helping you to plan and manage your life. Read More...

Choose the right software for yourself:

Efficient Man's/Lady's OrganizerEfficientPIM
More special interface styles designed for men/women
Adding attachments
Setting priority for information items
Password Keeper & Password Generator
Built-in editors similar to MS Word for writing diary entries
Diary & Journal
Searching information as simple and fast as Google
Organizing your information by category
Sounds Good?Efficient Man's/Lady's OrganizerEfficientPIM
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Testimonials & Reviews

"I love the EfficientPIM I just tried for 30 days and bought. One suggestion that I would love to see added to this program is a spell checker. I'm reasonablly intelligent but every once in a while need a spell checker. Please consider this feature in an update."

- Sue Harter, May 2009

"... As you continue work on the development of the software, there are a couple of things that could be developed that would really improve my experience with an already terrific product. ... I can select some columns in most screens, but i) I can't select any field I want to (I love to see the contacts that are related to a task in the task view, for example) and ii) I can't save different views..sometimes I need a quick reference to see information at a glance that I organize for a specific purpose, 2)A 'back' button that lets me go back to a screen I was just working on (a small thing, but valuable to me), These changes would result in a meaningfully enhanced experience for me."

- Dwayne Dreger, May 2009

For Home
Efficient Address Book
Efficient Diary Pro
Efficient Calendar
Efficient To-Do List
For Business
Efficcess Network
Efficient Address Book Network
Efficient Calendar Network
Efficient To-Do List Network
Efficient Reminder Network
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